Is a certain amount of shagginess 'cool' in a garden? Cool meaning - 'hot' - of course, and 'hot' meaning popular. All I know is that the naturalistic look is 'in'. And naturalistic means a certain amount of shagginess. Probably not acceptable, if you are a neat and tidy gardener though - it depends on what you value most about your garden. Clipped edges and hedges or a sense of abundance spilling over ? I am not such a neat and tidy gardener that I need my garden borders to be regimented in neat rows, or to be sharply trimmed. And yet, even though I do like abundance to the point of chaos, I also like a little bit of shape, so that you can tell that the garden actually is a garden. Farmers would throw their hands up in horror at the thought of growing Muehlenbeckia complexa as a decorative plant, because even though it is a native, it's all too common in the countryside, as a nasty twiner which invades fences, gates and anything else it can find to smother. It also sends robust runners under the ground which pop up everywhere. As well as being super shaggy above ground! So like it or not, I simply do have to clip and contain this most invasive of plants OFTEN!! As for Santolina, it's at it's best when unclipped and billowing about. But when not clipped, it becomes woody, leggy and out of shape. Like it or not, it appears I do have to do a certain amount of clipping even just to keep the abundant tumbling look I prefer! Because if I didn't, I probably wouldn't have a garden at all, but an unruly wilderness. I wouldn't really like to see M. complexa smothering everything, as there would be no colour or shape left in the garden. Or would I like to see soft feathery Santolina growing into a tangled woody mess. So it seems that gardeners are often pulled in a myriad of different directions - if you clip the garden too much it will become too formal and and rigid and not billow about enough. If you don't clip it enough, it will become out of control and you feel you won't be able to manage it
13/1/2021 05:06:51 pm
I've stopped mowing my small back lawn, and am enjoying the waving seed-heads, the cornflowers I planted there, and the volunteer larkspur. I find I still need to clip the edges though.
14/1/2021 05:16:14 pm
Your lawn sounds lovely Ruth - I totally approve of not mowing lawns - much more environmentally friendly! I must call by and see it sometime! When are you home?
Henrietta Hall
13/1/2021 06:55:44 pm
I love it that no matter how experienced a gardener, the when and how much questions keep coming up. Easy for our garden - we're away on holiday!
14/1/2021 05:19:49 pm
Always Henri - that's why gardening is endlessly fascinating. You might enjoy looking at Ruth's lawn!
Ann kennedy
13/1/2021 07:47:33 pm
Thank you Robyn,
14/1/2021 05:26:22 pm
Such dedication Ann to keeping your garden 'natural'!!
16/1/2021 10:31:52 am
Gardening has changed and the very formal looks now somehow seem out of place! Too restrained and managed! Like you Robyn I love the informality of naturalistic gardening it somehow feeds my soul!
16/1/2021 02:02:08 pm
Quite right Penny - as the more natural look brings us closer to nature which we love
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