WHEN THE SKIES ARE GREY, THE WATER IS GREY AND EVEN THE THE TREES ARE GREY, IS THERE ANYTHING OUT THERE THAT MIGHT CHEER US UP? ![]() Would it better if everything was white as in the northern hemisphere winter? This is something I wonder every winter. Of course there is plenty of snow in the mountains if you can get there! That pure clean white environment can lift your spirits, like the mucky grey down below never could. Make any wonder skiers can't get up there quickly enough. But sadly, we are very seldom a complete white blanket as in Scandinavia or Russia or North America. Would the pure bright freezing white of winter in those northern countries be more uplifting than the sombre grey of a cloudy winter day here in the South Island of New Zealand? Instead, we put up with the depressing and chilly greyness of life in a Christchurch winter, hoping for the sun to shine. And of course it does. Eventually! In between the greyness we do get crisp bright sunlight after frosty mornings - sometimes. WE JUST DON'T GET THE WHITE PURITY OF SNOW! We don't have the drama of snow but there are reflections - even if they, too, are grey Dried brown winter leaves and detritus can look positively sparkling against grey water in a grey gutter. If you are lucky there might be a puddle as well, which can reflect - even if it is only of the grey sky and bare branches above. Magically grey sky can look blue when reflected in puddles! Especially when contrasted with brown dried leaves which in comparison can sparkle!
![]() Most gardeners know about Daphne odora, that smallish evergreen shrub which drenches the late winter garden with such a delicious scent. We usually associate Daphne with a pinkish burgundy flower, but it is this is Daphne odora 'Alba', the pure white version which I can't resist as it heralds the new season with such perfection and honesty, flowering in July and filling the air with it's heady perfume.
I lust after a Daphne bush for my garden, but it doesn't like me! I have planted several and they always expire. I have tried growing it in acid loving areas, in neutral areas, even in limey areas, but no matter what I do - it expires! For me, it's just like falling in love with the one who doesn't love you back!
July 2023
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